Thunderbirds (Super Silver) Box Art
Thunderbirds (Super Silver) Box Art
Thunderbirds (Super Silver) Box Art


Thunderbirds (Super Silver)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Firebird Software
Developer(s): NA
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Genre: Puzzle
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 5012439003113
Release Date: 1985
Description: NA
Box Text: A team of Egyptologists are trapped in the ancient tomb of Tootnmoughtin. Heavy stone blocks and a highly complex maze bar their exit. Running out of air they transmit one final message. Somewhere in Earth's orbit Thunderbird Five records their desperate S.O.S.- suddenly, THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!
Date User Field Value
10-06-2023 tripredacus Name Thunderbirds (Super Silver)
08-06-2021 dhaabi Description
08-06-2021 dhaabi Name Thunderbirds - Super Silver
07-23-2021 sweetv45 Created

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