Sprawl Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Genre: First-person Shooter
Rating: NA
Item Number: 1549690
Release Date: August 23 2023
Description: NA
Box Text: SPRAWL is a hardcore retro FPS set in an endless cyberpunk megalopolis. Escape the walled city and take on the militarized government of the sprawl. Fueled by the blood of your enemies and a mysterious voice in your head, make your way towards the spire to topple whatever lays within.
Date User Field Value
01-12-2024 dhaabi Genre 6
01-12-2024 dhaabi Item Number 1549690
01-12-2024 dhaabi Name Sprawl
01-12-2024 madlost1 Created

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