Legend of Kartia Box Art
Legend of Kartia Box Art
Legend of Kartia Box Art


Legend of Kartia

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Alt-Name Kartia: The Word of Fate, Rebus
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Atlus Software
Developer(s): Atlus
Platform: PlayStation [EU]
Genre: Strategy
Rating: ELSPA - 11+ (Europe)
Item Number: SLES-01710
Barcode: 4988602590951
Release Date: October 1 1999
Description: packaging text in English, German
additional spine item number: 2590951/A
front item number: 4988602590951/A
additional USK 12 rating

1 Player
Memory Card 2 Blocks
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
01-15-2023 dhaabi Alt-Name Kartia: The Word of Fate, Rebus
01-15-2023 dhaabi Back Box Art new
01-15-2023 dhaabi Front Box Art new
01-15-2023 dhaabi Description packaging text in English, German additional spine item number: 2590951/A front item number: 4988602590951/A additional USK 12 rating 1 Player Memory Card 2 Blocks
06-05-2018 altar Cart/Disc/Media Art new
06-05-2018 altar Barcode 4988602590951
06-05-2018 altar Item Number SLES-01710
06-05-2018 altar Release Date - Year 1999
06-05-2018 altar Release Date - Day 1
06-05-2018 altar Release Date - Month 10
06-05-2018 altar Rating 14
06-05-2018 altar Genre 15
06-05-2018 altar Publisher 120
06-05-2018 altar Developer 3384
06-05-2018 altar Alt-Name Kartia: The Word of Fate
04-05-2014 dreama1 Front Box Art new
07-24-2013 diceman Created

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