Infinite Loop Box Art


Infinite Loop

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PC - Digital Download
Genre: Arcade
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: NA
Description: Infinite Loop is a frantically-paced brawler arena where players become computer viruses that have to avoid laser scans, all the while trying to trap their friends. Each player is able to infect (stun) or corrupt (melee) other players to force them into the path of the scanner, or eliminate them using various traps placed around the arena grid.
The game is very easy to pickup, and supports a single deathmatch game mode for up to 4 players locally (with Xbox 360 controller support). Featuring a varied collection of levels, a pumping electro soundtrack and way more particles than necessary, you will become a slave to wanting 'just one more game'.
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
06-08-2014 amunjazz Created

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