Contra Returns Box Art


Contra Returns

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): TiMi Studios
Platform: Android
Also on Platforms: iOS
Genre: Platformer
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: July 25 2021
Description: Location: Google Play Store
Box Text: Remember the secret code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A to get extra lives? After a 30-year hiatus, the Contra you know and love is back! Developed by famous Japanese game company KONAMI and world-leading game developer TIMI, Contra Returns aims to bring the classic Contra experience to mobile platforms.

In Contra Returns, players can enjoy the classic side-scrolling gameplay, two-person teams, alien bosses, and signature settings and soundtrack from the original series! All with updated HD resolution, 3D character models, and vivid acoustic and visual effects to deliver a sensory experience like no other! Get your fighting spirit all fired up with innovative content: real-time PvP battles, unique heroes, companions, and team mode! Legendary heroes Bill and Lance are making a comeback, so let's kick some alien butt and save the world!
Date User Field Value
06-01-2023 empovyle Description Location: Google Play Store
05-27-2023 empovyle Created

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