Baconing, The Box Art


Baconing, The

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Alt-Name DeathSpank: The Baconing
Publisher(s): Valcon Games
Developer(s): Hothead Games
Platform: Xbox Games Store (X360) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PSN (PS3) [NA] Steam
Genre: Action
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: August 31 2012
Description: NA
Box Text: Welcome to the sizzling sci-fi world of The Baconing! You are DeathSpank, the ultimate Dispenser of Justice. Destroy the Anti-Spank and his Cyborques, before they cast an evil shadow over Spanktopia. Explore unique locations like The Forbidden Zone and Rainbow's End in a pop-up book adventure. Over 100 quests, exciting boss fights and puzzles. Control the battles with the Weapons of Justice, Shield Bash and Perfect Reflect. Play co-op and choose from four amazing sidekicks.
Date User Field Value
05-29-2014 kidtdragon Box Text Welcome to the sizzling sci-fi world of The Baconing! You are DeathSpank, the ultimate Dispenser of Justice. Destroy the Anti-Spank and his Cyborques, before they cast an evil shadow over Spanktopia. Explore unique locations like The Forbidden Zone and Rainbow's End in a pop-up book adventure. Over 100 quests, exciting boss fights and puzzles. Control the battles with the Weapons of Justice, Shield Bash and Perfect Reflect. Play co-op and choose from four amazing sidekicks.
05-29-2014 kidtdragon Name Baconing, The
08-12-2012 jcalder8 Created

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