Boxing (purple text) Box Art
Boxing (purple text) Box Art
Boxing (purple text) Box Art


Boxing (purple text)

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Estimated Value: $2.94 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Agetec
Developer(s): Nekogumi
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Genre: Sports
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-01309
Barcode: 093992071400
Release Date: May 14 2001
Description: back cover text purple

Included in 3 for 1 Value Pack Volume#4
Box Text: We'll Show You
The Ropes

• Learn the fine art of pugilism (without taking any lumps).
• Master the Special Attack Skill for each boxer.
• Play as a Lightweight, Middleweight, or Heavyweight contender.
• Build your boxer up so he can take his shot at the Championship Title!
Date User Field Value
08-17-2022 tripredacus Description back cover text purple Included in 3 for 1 Value Pack Volume#4
08-17-2022 tripredacus Name Boxing (purple text)
03-07-2022 nathan776 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
03-07-2022 nathan776 Back Box Art new
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Box Text We'll Show You The Ropes • Learn the fine art of pugilism (without taking any lumps). • Master the Special Attack Skill for each boxer. • Play as a Lightweight, Middleweight, or Heavyweight contender. • Build your boxer up so he can take his shot at the Championship Title!
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Barcode 093992071400
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Release Date - Year 2001
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Release Date - Day 14
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Release Date - Month 5
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Publisher 1376
11-27-2017 Flashback2012 Developer 5577
05-22-2012 mungular Front Box Art new
05-22-2012 mungular Rating 4
05-22-2012 mungular Genre 14
NA NA Created

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